Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What Is Normal?

Abuse. Divorce. Heartache. Rape. 
Being lied to, cheated on. Alone. 

Normal experiences for me. 

Just because something is normal for you, doesn't mean that it's right or good.  Those normal experiences for me, though they were what I'm used to, aren't right. They shouldn't be the norm.  Going into the field I'm going into, I have to remember that although I know what a child should experience, some children don't. Some only know abuse; for them, it's normal. 

Just because something is normal for you, doesn't mean that it's normal for everyone. People have a huge problem with that nowadays.  They think, "Oh, well I dealt with my problem this way or I live my life this way and it works just fine for me, so it should work fine for you." No. That's not how things are. And if that's how you see things, then you need a reality check, my friend.


I was just informed of some very stress-inducing news. I'm all jacked up on coffee and it's two in the morning. Needless to say, I'm incredibly pissed. Not surprised, mind you. It's nothing I haven't heard before, or experienced, but it's still heartbreaking. That moment when you truly realize the person you loved, the person you thought about maybe spending the rest of your life with, never loved you, never really cared at all, just wanted sex..... that's a pretty damn rough moment. That moment lasts one hell of a long time, let me tell you. I keep realizing this and keep realizing this over and over. I'm getting fucking sick of it. Sorry for the profanity. Especially when this blog is supposed to be professional. 

Connecting that thought back to my original thoughts, people need to learn how to treat other people with respect. Quit being so damn selfish and try thinking about other people for once. I don't get why people lie, cheat, or abuse. I never will. Do they really enjoy it? Are they really happy with their life? Thinking everyone loves them, when in all reality everyone hates them? Whatever, my job isn't to try to understand them, my job is to put a stop to it. This is exactly the reason I want to go into the social services/law. I want to be an advocate for those that cannot speak for themselves, and protect those that need protection. 

Well, I can't think anymore. I'm falling asleep. Peace out. 

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