Friday, March 1, 2013

acceptance or tolerance?


That's the score I got. Not very impressive.

According to the book, scores in the range of 85-100 are incredibly accepting of others, and scores in the range of 66-84 are the average scores of the majority of the people. Apparently I'm not very accepting of others.  Specifically, the book says that people who score from 0-65 "may be very cautious about and intolerant of others." Of course, those who know me know how true that is of me.  I've just had so many experiences that taught me not to trust others, to be wary of how others treat me, which I guess to some degree is a good thing.  People who are too accepting or trusting of others tend to be incredibly naive.

Our world today has become too tolerant of others, which to some people means acceptance, but it's not.  Just because you tolerate something doesn't mean you necessarily like it.  I tolerate this damn Kansas weather, but I absolutely hate it.  People nowadays, myself included, need to become more accepting of others.  Just because you're different from someone or have different beliefs or opinions doesn't make either one of you better or worse than the other.  Just makes you different.  And that's perfectly fine.  I, myself, love being different.  I think normal is just too damn boring.

Well, this post is a little disorganized. Oh well, I'm not worried about it.

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